Sunday, October 1, 2017

Tessellation Tile Relief

  • Complete your tessellation in your sketchbook with one shape in color.
  • Turn that shape into a person, place or thing.
  • Role your second tile on the slab roller. 
  • Slab should be thick.
  • Trace your tessellation design on the clay slab.
  • This time instead of adding clay you are carving away your tessellation design. 

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Mind Dynasty Blue & White Slab Vase


SLAB POT - Ming Dynasty - China - 1368 

  1. building a slab vase
  2. Pinterest Board Slab vases
  3. Pinterest Board Greek Vases
Research Ming Dynasty.
Draw the vase you want to make.
Color with Blue oil pastels and paint with white gesso.
Scratch your drawing.
Make out of clay by using the pattern you made and cutting 2 of the shapes out of clay.
Make the sides 2 inch slabs. 
Make a base and join the sides and bottom to one of clay pattern pieces.
Stand up and join the sides and bottom from the outside.

 Scratch in your design.
 Paint with blue glaze.

Slip - Clay Glue & Digging Clay

Monday, July 17, 2017

Textured Slab Pot

  • Roll slab with slab roller.
  • Add YOUR  own texture with stencils and a rolling pin.
  • Join at the bottom to make 3 legs.
  • Shape it. 
  • Smooth the inside. 
  • Put your name on the inside with pasta letters.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Graffiti Clay Name Plate

  • Make a sketch of your name in graffiti letters or block letters. 
  • Include: pattern background 
  • 5 things about you.
  • Color and upload to Artsonia.
  • Roll a slab on the slap roller and use coils for the slides or slabs. Your choice.
  • Put 2 holes in the top corners for nails to hold it up on the wall.
  • Draw your design in the clay with a pencil.
  • Roll out clay and make your drawing in relief so you can feel the letters and drawings. 
  • When you add clay, score it and put slip in-between like glue.
  • When finished glaze, upload to Artsonia and take home.

2. 2D Tag

The first assignment of the semester is creating your tag (signature). Like a monogram or writing your name in cursive but taking that a step further and developing a personal writing picture about you.
  1. First step is make the 2d tag 
  2. and then the next step will be making it out of clay in relief.

Monday, July 10, 2017

The beginning - Wedging Clay - How and Why

  • If your clay is wet then if you wedge it becomes easier to work with.
  • Wedging clay gets air bubbles out of the clay.
  • If you are throwing on the wheel then you must wedge your clay.
  • If you are hand building it is not necessary.

Clay Animals & Chia Pets

  • Making an animal of your choice with 2 pinch pots.
  • First sketch what animal you want to make, color and upload to Artsonia
  • Make 2 pinch pots, join and add legs, head, and whatever you need to make it look like your animal.
  • Add the animals texture. Will not be excepted without texture.
  • If you are making a chia pet you will add the grooved lines for the seeds to grow and cut a hole at the very top of your animal.
  • When done put your name and period on it with pasta letters.
  • Glaze and photograph again and you can take it home.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Clay Face Cups

  • Holidays are stressful with all the pressure to buy the perfect gift. Particularly for kids. Why not make the perfect gift?  Who can't use a new coffee or hot chocolate mug? Cups can be useful and works of art. -useful art-
     There are more suspensions, fights... this time of year. A good clay project the week before Thanksgiving vacation makes the art room a haven/hide out from holiday pressure. Something about clay that you don't get from working on a computer. There should be a class "Computers and clay" They balance each other nicely and they are the 2 most popular media in the art room. Clay projects from start to take home is a good 3 weeks time from making to firing to glazing to firing again for about 250 cups.
    Start with an introduction of face cups on  Pinterest Board.
    step 1:
    Students  sketch and color the face mug they want to make.  
    step 2:
    Students use a thrown cylinder that is leather hard and add eyes, nose, mouth and shape the face.  step 2 1/2 repeat step 1 and 2 with an animal face. Using the internet to  print the animal face they want to make with texture.

    step 3
    When the 2 cups are done and uploaded, Students write about them in the  Artsonia Cup Gallery - Classroom Mode for their final grade.
    1. Pinterest Board Clay cups

    2. Artsonia Face cups

Friday, July 7, 2017

Clay Shoe with a Story

My Shoe I made in middle school.

  1. Draw and upload the shoe you want to make to Artsonia. Who did the shoe belong to? Write a paragraph on Artsonia.
  2. Role slab and cut out sides, bottom and top
  3. Score slip, join and add texture.

sneaker drawings

For fun... - (middle school students can't be in Van's Custom Culture contest) but they can Design 4 Van's shoes. Each pair must be customized to represent one of four themes: 1. Action Sports (Defined as boards and bikes, not stick and ball!) 2. Music 3. Art 4. Local Flavor (Inspired by your surrounding community, city or state) ONE THEME PER PAIR!